Kratom under Attack

Kratom is now under attack in Canada. CTV has now gone full tilt against the plant. Next other media will start to pick up the story and law enforcement will push the agenda. From there the pharmaceutical companies will push for a ban of it all together. Addiction specialists have jumped on board as well. The true push to ban it has begun.

We must now band together to stop this and make sure it gains no traction. We must defend this at all costs or we lose this plant. The USA came close, very close and still they fight in states.

We must act together and fight together as a cohesive group. I am willing and open to suggestions.


Refugees get more why?

Well this is a bit of a hot topic but something I do wish to talk about.

Why do they get more than regular Canadians?

Well lets start off with accommodation. With what is happening in Alberta a seniors residents has been converted to a housing unit for them. I personally don’t like this. Seniors have already given everything for this country and paid taxes. They have done what they can and do deserve that place and to have that taken away from them is wrong. Since there is no way to know how long this is going to go on for at the boarder I think another solution must be created.

Now for those that have made it urban areas they are shunted to the front of the line for social housing. In my area that is 8+ year waiting list, that low income and vulnerable people have been waiting for. For me they do as everyone else does and go on the list at the back of the line. No special treatment should be given. I would be willing to guess that once sponsored refugees who don’t have full time jobs and can’t afford home/apartments will also be shunted to the front ahead of everyone else.

As for medical treatment goes, well they were mandated to doctors. That is right for those without doctors and cant get one, well tough. Refugees though nope they were given doctors. I know of a person fighting cancer through walk in clinic visits because he has no physician. I myself went without a doctor for 3 years with a chronic illness. This isn’t fair either.

Then they have all the prescriptions and dental work covered. Most working class people in Canada don’t have that luxury and although I do understand it, it is kinda hard to justify to working people just getting by.

Now I am getting reports that children in the school system are hurting other children. Sad as this may be it would be expected due to the conditions in which they survived. However what isn’t acceptable is that they call teachers infidels. Yes that has happened and we know what happens next. That is 100% ISIS way of thinking and needs to stop. That comes from the parents and taught from them. There needs to be accountability for this.

Now we find out that almost 50% of those that cross at Manitoba have criminal records.

And why are they running from the USA? One of the greatest nations on earth. There is no reason well except for the above of course.

40% don’t have jobs that support themselves after the first year now and that relies on the tax payer to cover the families. That increases the burden to everyone and stretches the resources further.

Now am I against refugees? No, my heart goes out to those suffering. I just want them treated just like every other Canadian. We have welcomed them and want them to thrive however teaching their children that we are infidels isn’t the way to do it. Nor is allowing anyone for a certain country to enter no questions asked. No what is happening now is wrong and needs to stop. We need better vetting and we need to treat fellow Canadians better. Then we can help those in need much more. Otherwise all this leads to is resentment and hatred among many groups and that is what we have now because of clueless bureaucrats.

Fentanyl – effects and way forward

So Docs are now being requested to clamp down on pain pills because of illegal fentanyl. How wonderful. I guess they simply forgot the lesson a few years ago that they brought about. They clammed down over the oxy epidemic.

What happened then, well those with legitimate pain and chronic pain where made to suffer as doctors refused to help. That then led to an outcry of docs not doing their jobs and making people suffer in pain. After getting hit in the media and various social media the medical association made it so if you were in pain you get T3’s. I wonder if they will now rescind that as well and make the people suffer once again for greed and junkies.

How about instead of going after those who don’t abuse the pain meds how about going after those that over prescribe, run mills. How about we return to a time when you don’t always leave with a Rx every visit.

And since fentanyl can be produced and converted at home more or less and is toxic ie causing overdose with minute quantities I highly doubt the issue is doctors prescribing Rx.

No sadly this is just a case of overeating by one group to the media who are exploiting this for their own agenda. And where are the police in this? well they are too busy busting weed shops before it becomes legal.

I think it is time to re-evaluate the entire war on drugs and the entire pharmaceutical industry.

Now if you struggle with chronic pain or want to get off opiates I would highly suggest looking at kratom. It does have some side effects but is far less toxic to the body then anything the pharmaceutical industry has to offer.

There is a way out of this epidemic but most people wont profit from it so the media wont look at it, the docs don’t get their cut (Rx vacations), pharmacies don’t get kickbacks, and rehabs wont get clients, jails will empty out, police wont arrest junkies/low level drug dealers. That cycle must be maintained for it is the underpinning of society.

No they will ban it so that society can continue and drugs/addicts and profits be made. All the while those who are in true pain suffer. Amazing that medicine has become this.

I have a previous article up about kratom should you wish to learn more.

Here I sit

Here I Sit

Here I sit all alone in thought

hearing, seeing, watching, assessing

from my cubical

frustrated in quiet desperation

meandering through work on automatic

pleasing all that pass by

looking to effect change

to cast a stone into humanity

from here in my world

my caboose

Where did the good men go?

My little Rant

Where did all the good men go?

Where did all the good politicians go, the one’s who cared about the people and the poor. The elderly who gave their lives and blood to make the country something. The soldiers we sent into battle only to leave broken.

The one’s who slave to the corporate agenda and special interest groups. The one’s who choose to get wealthy instead of serving Canada.

Where did they go, universal health care, peace keeping instead of war, a social safety net. We use to look after each other and take care of one another. Now it is globalization and free trade. Reduce labour costs and earn dividends. Massive income inequity.

It now seems that the agenda being pushed are so extreme and so detrimental to Canada that the political class don’t even care. Rubber stamping refugees from know terrorist countries? Free trade killing the middle class, while making free moving labour and the corporations wealth by driving down costs at the expense of countries.

The universities have been invaded by the intolerance and ideas are being killed. What is happening to this country? Why are we always looking down at our phones and not up at who is pulling the strings?

Why are people to busy buying shit for no good reason just for debt. Why are fighting each other instead of helping and fighting the real issues? Just why?

Where did all the good men go to drive the conversation and stand up for us and Canada.

So we have a terrible political class right now and my honest assessment of our leader is this:

He is looking for the wizard of Oz. He has no brain, no heart and no courage. He continues to take pictures in hopes of finding what he seeks in those pictures only to see the vapidness of what he truly is and he runs from it.

The Green Light

The green light.

So here it is, our security and health and welfare thrown out the window because of a backlog. This is such a dangerous precedent.

Basically they aren’t going to vet refugees from Syria, Iraq and Eritrea. I believe Pakistan is included as well.

That is right, are you a terrorist looking to infiltrate into North America looking for a great set up and some Rx and dental benefits for a while – well look no further – This Government wants you. No vetting required, step right up and get it before it is gone.

So there you have it, a rubber stamp if you are from one of the selected countries and claim asylum in Canada. No, no danger in that.

Bring us your criminals, terrorists, warlords, bring us your worst and we here in Canada will give them shelter – at the front of the line in social housing – because they are special – screw those waiting on lists – you know Canadians suffering.

You get free drugs and dental and are set for quiet the little while, Isis wont even have to worry about paying them. Say isn’t that more than most people now, most Canadians struggling don’t have Rx or dental coverage!

But wait there is more as a new special interest group you can wield untold amounts of power and get political correctness to do work for you. Get special treatment because you can!

And here in lies where the resentment comes from. Sure we as Canadians want to help, but we ourselves are struggling. Not the political class mind you – they are out of touch but the regular people who don’t have dental coverage or prescription drug coverage or those who long to own a home of their own. And people come in get pushed to the front of the line, given docs and housing Rx and dental care etc when most are in debt and struggling. That needs to be addressed.

Then we find out they aren’t vetting them? I mean open borders at USA – why would you run from one of the greatest countries of the world to claim asylum?

I am all for refugees if they are vetted and can offer something to Canada. They can adapt and become Canadian and move forward with their lives in a better place. That is what we are about here. But this is unacceptable to rubber stamp anyone who fits a country of origin. This is callous and dangerous, most likely end very badly for all of us.

North Korea

North Korea and the way forward

Trying to bully the nation simply wont work. The NK government is incredibly proud of its trophies of old American ships in it’s possession. If the USA tries to bully, like Trump loves to do, it will simply backfire. They way to deal with a bully is to fight back and Kim Jong Un when threatened by the bully of USA would and will strike back.

He doesn’t seem to mind the pressure from China as much either. So you must go after the thing he treasures most – his power. He is paranoid as a dictator so that is what must be exploited in order to gain to compliance with respect to nuclear options.

My suggestion would be to try to open trade and open aid as well. See if companies/governments are willing to venture into and work with NK and vice versa.

Let the country see some prosperity for a bit, that way not only does Un receive more luxury but so do the high ranking party members that surround him in return for stopping the nuclear program.

NK did in the past only to start up again. Now this could be expected to happen but allow the aid to continue until fully confirmed. Then cut off the flow of goods and aid.

Once the party officials and maybe even some of the citizens have had a chance to enjoy things a little more, there is a chance that there could be a coup in order to keep the country on the path.

If he does disarm then the paranoia could eat at Un and also cause a coup. However should the country continue to prosper there is the potential that ruling system could also change.

In the end the sanctions never hurt the dictator as Saddam never suffered only the people, and going to war well that was mess. If we go to war against NK then Un will take the country down with him and he has nukes and will most likely lash out against SK. Something that needs to be avoided at all costs.

If you consider how past interventions have gone recently I think this is the most viable option.

First we have Afghanistan. The CIA are more than grateful that warlords and a massive corrupt government as been put into place. The poppy fields are flowing and green cash is coming into their pockets to fund even dirtier jobs. Get out of line and warlords will take care of that. Need that covered up, well the government will do that for a price.

Iraq – still a mess of sectarian violence. I honestly almost think it was better off before.

Libya – a broken country devolved into human smuggling and misery. Thank you Mrs Clinton.

Syria – Rebels made up of ISIS supported by USA and using weapons (possible chemical) forcing refugees out that are causing havoc across Canada and EU. Thank you again Mrs Clinton.

No the untold misery caused by US intervention in the past 15 years has been abysmal. And bullying isn’t the way to do it. Just like Iran give them a carrot and let them get fat. Take the carrot away and let them in-fight until a victor is secured that we can deal with. It sure as hell cant be any worse than what has happened so far.


Kratom WTF is it? And why they want it banned!

Well to start what is Kratom? It is tree grown in Indonesia, Thailand and South East Asia. It is within the coffee family. In the native cultures it usually consumed by chewing leaves or made into a tea. Mitragyna speciosa is a tree that grows between 4 to 16 meters in height.

It contains alkaloids. These create the feel good and psychoactive reactions that people are after as an escape or to mitigate pain. In low doses it acts as a stimulant and in higher doses opiate like properties.

is a full list of the alkaloids and the properties they have.

With that in mind the basic properties that people derive from kratom are pretty simple, it relieves pain, helps with depression, gives energy boosting abilities, mental acuity and can have sedative effects. Now different leaves have different effects and not all can be found in one.

Take a moment to read that again – a natural plant that does all that very well. I can and will attest to the effectiveness of this.

In the past kratom has been used to ween people off of addiction to opioids It should be used now as well. The amazing thing is that it doesnt cause respiratory failure. No one has died from kratom. That isnt to say it hasn’t been in someones system with other drugs, but no one died from it unlike traditional opioids alone.

And since it does provide a slight euphoric feeling for short period of time it could be used by addicts in harm reduction. Maybe an extract could be used to increase the impact and give them a safer means?

For pain management it has reduced my pain medication by over 80%. Sadly I still get breakthrough pain but for the most part I stopped taking my prescription pain medication.

For Depression, I stopped all my antidepressants and haven’t felt better. Let me be 100% clear, coming off of this poison is and was hell. I feel it is on a level above that of opiate withdrawal due to the lingering effects that last for months and months after. As someone who has been prescribed everything under the sun pain wise antidepressants are very nasty drugs. After a few days you can generally get up and moving but not with antidepressants they keep you down for a long time.

Energy boosting – I am no longer as sluggish in the morning or tired. I don’t drink coffee, never have and don’t touch energy drinks. So this is very nice addition.

What does it do for other people well here:

I will say that when I reduced my Rx down I had no issues or withdrawal effects at all. And for those who do want to get off of the opioids then I would hesitate to recommend kratom as an alternative.

From what I have read and seen it doesn’t actually bind or screw into the receptors but slightly engage them in the literature. Maybe that is why it works.

That is the 8 factor analysis of kratom by Dr. Hennigfield. It was for the defense of kratom against banning it in the USA. The basic conclusion is that it isn’t an opioid and that it partially binds to the receptors.

Now like most things it can be abused and dependence can be formed from it. That goes without saying. But does it pose a harm to the population? No I don’t think it does.

So why the ban? Simple profit motivations from pharmaceuticals, rehab clinics and jails. That is the trifecta of the industry.

Antidepressants a staple of the industry. 13% of Americans are on and usually stay on long term. Well that is a nice amount of stable income.

Narcotics are something most people have and use. Although higher level ones are much harder to come by of course but the basic staple of Tylenol 3’s are a standard. Then we get into the big buck ones like Fentanyl and Oxy along with Percocet etc. These are also huge money makers for the drug companies especially when they have illicit black market uses. Oxy prices crashed after they changed the formula.

Now look at the rehab market and the prices they charge. Not that rehab is bad but in Florida it appears to be nothing but a mill and insurance fraud going on there.

But if kratom can get people off this stuff and help addicts with a little counseling on the side it would hurt the industry. However if you schedule it and make it banned, guess what? You need to come off it to! Now if someone is dependent on it then yes there are issues there just like a diabetic is dependent on insulin or another treatment.

Then there are the for profit jails and unions. (Yes I am usually a big believer in unions) but in this case if it is a crime to have kratom then without question that means more people to arrest and more people to jail long term. More jobs (Police, Jails, Support Staff) and sadly more profit. The drug war has failed. Weed is now legal in a few US states and will be legal here in Canada next year. I may not be a fan of weed but I sure understand the implications it brings and why it is needed.

So as you can see there are huge and powerful corporations and people who profit handsomely from these industries, should kratom be added to it that would continue but it would also take something away from the people.

Kratom is a tree from the coffee family located in South East Asia. It has been used for a thousand years traditionally, the past 20 or so in the USA,EU. It has antidepressant, pain killing and stimulant properties.

It is opioid like but not an actual opioid. It can’t kill you on its own but can make you sick it you take too much. It acts like coffee and codeine according to the study by the AKA. It shows great promise with addicts and getting people off of opioids. However a lot more studies need to be done.

The pharmaceutical corporations of the world and associated business don’t like it. They want it banned. It is clear why, it is a massive threat to their industries. A natural plant that is extremely cheap and has a profound effect on people.

Me, I would like to see regulation to the industry. A set of standards, more studies and actual acceptance by the governments of the world. For once listen to the people, we aren’t stupid. Alcohol and Tobacco are legal, Marijuana is about to be legal (more studies please also) and these can impair people far more than kratom can. All I can say is what it has done for me and the people I talk to. Anecdotal at best for now, the science is catching up but for something like this… is it not worth fighting for? To possibly help addiction, help drug addicts, help depression, the energy, the boost. All from a natural plant with little side effects. I think it is.

There are great pharmaceuticals out there and great rehab places that do incredible things but with most industries when given enough power they can abuse it. I think this is one of those times.

Research on kratom:


Virtual Reality is it the next great thing on PC?

VR is amazing tech and can really change your perspective and give you hope. As a new found consumer tech is it workable? As of right now on the PC no but it can be.

Most people have already heard about and looked at VR so no real need to hash it out but I simply want to go over a few points about it that I think are important. There are two main units right now the Oculus Rift (Facebook) and the HTC Vive partnering with Valve/steam.

As a barrier to entry VR is a very expensive proposition. You not only need a high end PC but also require an expensive GPU as well. Here in Canada a decent GPU is easily around 500+ for a GTX 1070 and can go up into the 1000’s. Then there is the cpu,motherboard,memory etc. to make up the PC.

Then there is the unit itself last I checked it was around 1300 for the vive. Expensive for what is emerging technology. The Rift is cheaper by a few hundred dollars but equipment is close to the same. Now the Rift has some set up issues and requires more hdmi cables and can be difficult.

For mass consumers the price must really come down for adoption rates to pick up and for studios to really start developing and spending significant resources for the market.

However the good news is there are studios starting already like movies. Steven Spielberg has already started partnering for ready gamer one.

And now Ridley Scott has started a VR studio.

Now for PC games there are 2 main stores really Oculus Home which is the Rift and Steam which is both the Rift and Vive. HTC has a vive store however it really isnt as important as the leading two stores.

The main difference for the two is the Home requires an Oculus Rift. There is a DRM check to ensure that. Now this can be bypassed by a hack called Revive by CrossVR however there is no guarantee that the vive will work on Home. Also Home has exclusive games which do not ever go to other stores and they have timed exclusive games that go to other stores after a period of time, usually 6+ months.

Steam uses an api of openvr which allows developers to let Rift users use the games on steam as well as all vive users as HTC and Valve (steam) are partners.

So one allows full access and the other isnt.

Now as to another issue that has cropped up recently that would be the ability of Facebook/Steam to collect information.

A Facebook app has the power to record and store your actions and conversations within it. Not to mention all the other data they collect.

Steam does collect a fair bit of data as well but I am unaware of it getting that personal.

So for me is VR the next great thing? It can be but the costs have to come down for everyone to be able to enjoy it. Studios and AAA game studios are spending money developing full scale games for the technology however there are concerns about privacy and market strategy that Oculus is using. The tech must also improve a fair bit as well but that will come in time.

So at this time it isnt however if costs come down and content is created it can be. The issue of the Oculus marketing strategy though is very worrying to say the least.

Abdirahman Abdi and Lessons

This is just a terribly tragic story but what is most shocking to me is that the lesson arent being learned or applied already. In case you arent familiar with what has transpired I will give you a brief overview of what has happened.

Mr. Abdi was at a local coffee shop were he was creating a nuisance and there were reports of an assault. The police were called and Mr. Abdi fled. He was chased to the entrance of his apartment complex and when the officers attempted compliance he suffered severe physical damage.

I do want to make note that this isnt the first time that Mr.Abdi has had an issue in the coffee shop and that Mr.Abdi suffers from being slow and has mental health issues. These could have played a large portion in resisting with compliance.

Tragically a day later Mr. Abdi passed away from the injuries incurred while being taken into custody.

So the community, not just the Somali community was outraged by what happened to Mr. Abdi. There were significant amounts of media articles, TV and press about this. Especially hard coverage by the CBC and massive pressure put on the police force.

An investigation into the incident was launched as well as many meetings between the Police Services and respected community leaders to reduce tensions.

As it stands now one officer has been charged as a result of the investigation and we are pending the outcome of the trial.

The community called for its pound of flesh and it received it. The officer in question has been charged and will be prosecuted for his conduct. The leaders of the community have also been granted a lot more power based upon the visits by the media and the police themselves.

The Police Services have been under attack by the community about this and naturally what do people under attack do? They defend themselves. So naturally the blue wall goes up and they protect themselves. In this case some chose to wear wrist bands defending the officers name. Not only was this a slap in face for justice and its process but for the community itself and the need to heal. I understand the need to defend and it should have been done behind closed doors and out of sight. This brings bad PR to the situation and creates more rifts in the communities.

As to the leaders/community themselves with these wristbands they have gone full court press. With the new found power they have been given, the first thing they do is go full throttle. There were many articles/interviews on the cbc alone:

Now if you are trying to foster a greater level of trust and care between the people you count on to protect you in the time of need this isnt the way to do it. This should have also been handled behind closed doors. Attempting to shame causes the defending to double down and in most cases that is the last thing needed.

I thought the whole point of this was to bring groups together to understand each other and make sure both sides are being served. To ensure that both parties are being heard and acknowledge. This sadly is a pissing contest in which both sides lose and no lessons will be learned.

I would like to see justice carried out and that the Police Services and Somali community actually work together and learn. Bring about change from this unfortunate tragedy and not just a minor shift in power dynamics.

We as a community must let justice take its course and accept the results and work with police to foster better relationships.

Police need to much better situational awareness about how the communities feel and accept it. They must also be ready to cut the officer lose should it need to be done.

CBC/Media – stop exploiting and especially stop the dog piling mentality the continues to further outrage and stoke the fears within both the community and the police.