Refugees get more why?

Well this is a bit of a hot topic but something I do wish to talk about.

Why do they get more than regular Canadians?

Well lets start off with accommodation. With what is happening in Alberta a seniors residents has been converted to a housing unit for them. I personally don’t like this. Seniors have already given everything for this country and paid taxes. They have done what they can and do deserve that place and to have that taken away from them is wrong. Since there is no way to know how long this is going to go on for at the boarder I think another solution must be created.

Now for those that have made it urban areas they are shunted to the front of the line for social housing. In my area that is 8+ year waiting list, that low income and vulnerable people have been waiting for. For me they do as everyone else does and go on the list at the back of the line. No special treatment should be given. I would be willing to guess that once sponsored refugees who don’t have full time jobs and can’t afford home/apartments will also be shunted to the front ahead of everyone else.

As for medical treatment goes, well they were mandated to doctors. That is right for those without doctors and cant get one, well tough. Refugees though nope they were given doctors. I know of a person fighting cancer through walk in clinic visits because he has no physician. I myself went without a doctor for 3 years with a chronic illness. This isn’t fair either.

Then they have all the prescriptions and dental work covered. Most working class people in Canada don’t have that luxury and although I do understand it, it is kinda hard to justify to working people just getting by.

Now I am getting reports that children in the school system are hurting other children. Sad as this may be it would be expected due to the conditions in which they survived. However what isn’t acceptable is that they call teachers infidels. Yes that has happened and we know what happens next. That is 100% ISIS way of thinking and needs to stop. That comes from the parents and taught from them. There needs to be accountability for this.

Now we find out that almost 50% of those that cross at Manitoba have criminal records.

And why are they running from the USA? One of the greatest nations on earth. There is no reason well except for the above of course.

40% don’t have jobs that support themselves after the first year now and that relies on the tax payer to cover the families. That increases the burden to everyone and stretches the resources further.

Now am I against refugees? No, my heart goes out to those suffering. I just want them treated just like every other Canadian. We have welcomed them and want them to thrive however teaching their children that we are infidels isn’t the way to do it. Nor is allowing anyone for a certain country to enter no questions asked. No what is happening now is wrong and needs to stop. We need better vetting and we need to treat fellow Canadians better. Then we can help those in need much more. Otherwise all this leads to is resentment and hatred among many groups and that is what we have now because of clueless bureaucrats.

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